Yoga in English

Yoga in English is a practice for everyone, simply yoga and meditation, my invitation is to facilitate for you an experience with your body. Playful and accessible.
Come as you are, be from wherever. Share with us a moment of resilience. A better relationship with your body means a better connection with nature.
Jump with us on the mat. I’ll wait for you there.

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch / Language of instruction: English


Trial lesson: 14 € (for all first-time visitors of the FYTT location)
Single lesson: 18 € (for all those who come back from time to time)
10er-Card: 160 € (for all loyal FYTT participants, valid 4 months)
Monthly subscription: 50 € (Come to FYTT 1 time a week and save)


Di 16.07.2024


18:00 - 19:15


Gutto (Gustavo Silva)
Gutto (Gustavo Silva)


  • Gutto (Gustavo Silva)
    Gutto (Gustavo Silva)

    What is your relationship with your temple? My proposal is to facilitate a safe environment of deep connection with silence, space and expression, the discovery of yourself. Graduated in Foundation Yoga and holistic therapies such as Reiki and Karuna and the study of Ayurveda and medicines from native Brazilian peoples, I understand that the body is a universe, the result of the nature around us. We create the life we ​​have and our relationships have the value we give them. The body speaks and who better than you to create this relationship with it. 
    We can simply use nature to move – we are flowing. 

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